COC Cocktail Refugee Meeting @ Roze Woensdag

Everybody should feel safe and welcome in Nijmegen.
The goal of Cocktail (COC Region Nijmegen) is to make LGBTIQ+ refugees feel at home. That’s why they organise meetings for LGBTIQ+ refugees and asylum seekers. On Roze Woensdag (Pink Wednesday) Cocktail COC Nijmegen and Cocktail COC Midden Gelderland organise a special meeting for refugees an asylum seekers! Note: this meeting is only for people who register via
Program Roze Woensdag:
12.00 Gathering at the Stevenskerk
12.30 Official program opening in the Stevenskerk
13:30 Encourare the contestants of the 4-day walking march / Visiting the United Colours of Kiss Kiss party
17.00 Pride Walk
18.00 Eating together at Vlaams Friteshuis Loket 13
19:00 We continue the partying at the United Colors of Kiss Kiss party
More about Cocktail
Cocktail Nijmegen wants to help reduce the isolation that LGBTIQ+ Refugees and asylum seekers are confronted with. Fleeing a country in which you are not safe being LGBTIQ+, and ending up in an AZC surrounded by the same people you were fleeing from is making life not particularly easy. We want to introduce LGBTIQ+ asylum seekers to eachother, to the Dutch society and to the LGBTIQ+ community. In this way we try to improve the social climate for LGBTIQ+ asylum seekers and make them feel less isolated. More information:
This program is funded by gemeente Nijmegen, Stichting Roze Woensdag & Stichting Vierdaagsefeesten.
You can find the full programma of Pink Wednesday on